Israel’s war against Palestine: Reading list

Compiled by Nathan Geffen
Last updated on 25 November 2023

These are articles, videos and social media posts relevant to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, mostly about events following 7 October 2023.

Analysis and opinion

Chartbook 245: Gaza, beyond de-development to disposability and destruction by Adam Tooze.
This is an excellent analysis of how Israel has de-developed the Gaza Strip.

There Is a Jewish Hope for Palestinian Liberation. It Must Survive. by Peter Beinart (original on New York Times behind a paywall)

A Dangerous Conflation: An open letter from Jewish writers on n+1. This letter explains why anti-Zionism must not be conflated with anti-Semitism.

Avner Gvaryahu, Director of Breaking the Silence, is a principled voice on the conflict. On 8 October he wrote: “Hamas's attack and the events unfolding since yesterday are unspeakable. We are heartbroken to watch terrified civilians besieged in their homes, innocent people murdered in cold blood on the streets, at parties, and at home. Dozens taken hostage and dragged into the Gaza Strip. Every one of us knows someone who has been tragically affected. We could go on and on about their cruel and criminal actions, or focus on how our Jewish-supremacist government brought us to this point. But as hard as it is, our job as former Israeli soldiers is to talk about what we were sent to do.” Continue reading. He reiterated his position on 11 October.

This is an important talk given in September 2023 by Issa Amro, the founder of Youth Against Settlements, a youth group based in Hebron committed to non-violent struggle for Palestinian independence and ending Israeli occupation.

In 2008 a South African human rights delegation visited the West Bank. Their findings remain relevant: South African Human Rights Delegation to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories 2008

Yousef Munayyer analyses the phrase “From the River to the Sea” in Jewish Currents. He writes: “The much-maligned slogan resists the fragmentation of Palestinian land and people by Israeli occupation and discrimination.”

Chris McGreal writes on the poster campaigns: ‘It’s like a fire in the world’: how the Israeli ‘kidnapped’ posters set off a phenomenon and a backlash

Analysis by Assaf Sharon in 2015 on the need for a Palestinian state. I largely agree with this, but as Yehuda Shaul says, it should be called a two-state situation not a two-state solution. Violence and injustice will not end the day there’s a Palestinian state. There will still be the problems of discrimination against non-Jews, particularly Palestinians, in Israel, the status or management of Jerusalem, both Jewish and Islamic fundamentalist power brokers in Israel and Palestine, deeply violent and illiberal forces on both sides, and much else. 130 years of going down the wrong path will take a very long time to rectify. But a Palestinian state will move us closer to justice and hopefully peace.

Chloe Skinner writes: In the face of genocide, the intifada must be globalised. I don’t necessarily agree with every assertion in this article, but most of it seems right. It does an excellent job of pointing out double standards.


Ta-Nehisi Coates Speaks Out Against Israel's “Segregationist Apartheid Regime” After West Bank Visit on Democracy Now!

Noi Katzman: “The most important thing for me and also for my brother, is that his death will not be used as a justification for killing innocent people” via Twitter

While there’s a war in Gaza, settler violence against Palestinians has got worse in the West Bank. This CNN clip posted on Instagram shows some of this. See also this tweet by Yehuda Shaul.

CNN interview with Emily Callahan of Doctors Without Borders, “who gives a harrowing description of what she witnessed in Gaza as she was attempting to get out of the area”.

BBC interview with a woman from Doctors Without Borders working in Gaza (via X/Twitter).

Resistance Climbing: A beautiful, sad and uplifting documentary on Palestinian rock climbers by Reel Rock.

Documenting calls for crimes against humanity

+972 Magazine broke a story titled: Expel all Palestinians from Gaza, recommends Israeli gov’t ministry

Mother Jones analysed the Israeli Prime Minister’s reference to the old testament: The Dangerous History Behind Netanyahu’s Amalek Rhetoric

Yehuda Shaul has documented calls for crimes against humanity. Here is a PDF of this X/Twitter thread. See also this X/Twitter thread.

One of the first people to call for crimes against humanity to be committed was Joel Pollak, a South African living in the United States who writes for Breitbart, a right-wing extremist website. On 7 October Pollak on X/Twitter called for Israel to give 48 hours for women, children and elderly people to evacuate Gaza and then for Israel to “destroy everything that remains”. He has since deleted the tweet but not before it was retweeted over 4,000 times, liked over 16,000 times and viewed 2.8 million times. Here is a screenshot of the tweet.

Democracy Now’s report: Israeli Minister Calls Nuclear Attack on Gaza “An Option”

One of the most disturbing calls for genocide: Children singing a call for the annihilation of Gaza and praising the “pure and the pretty”.

Documenting war crimes

There are numerous articles documenting the crimes that Hamas committed on 7 October and the crimes committed by the Israeli government in response.

Amnesty International published Damning evidence of war crimes as Israeli attacks wipe out entire families in Gaza

Documenting calls for peace and justice

Yehuda Shaul tweeted this: “In the dark days after Hamas' brutal massacre, statements by leading voices among [Palestinian] citizens of [Israel] have been a beacon of light. Here are just a few. Jewish-Palestinian partnership is essential and possible in order to achieve a future of peace and to end the occupation.”

Here is a PDF of the X/Tweet thread giving several examples of such calls.

Cancel culture

Palestinian academic institutions have been bombed and many students and academics have been killed. The silence of some prominent defenders of free speech and opponents of “cancel culture” has been notable.

Israeli human rights lawyer Michael Sfard explained in the New York Times how dissent in Israel is being squashed. Here is a PDF of the article which is behind a paywall.

The New York Post reported on Michael Eisen’s dismissal as editor-in-chief from the journal @eLife for sharing an article from the satirical magazine The Onion titled: Dying Gazans Criticized For Not Using Last Words To Condemn Hamas

The Jacobin described what it calls A Tidal Wave of State and Private Repression Is Targeting Pro-Palestinian Voices.